The following steps will assist you in adding an e-mail account to your Google Nexus 7 tablet:
1. Open the Email app.
2. Select Settings and then Add Account.
3. Enter your e-mail address and password. If you would like to make this the default account, select Send email from this account by default.
4. Select Manual Setup. You will be prompted to select the Account Type. Tap on POP3.
5. On the Incoming server settings screen, enter the following information:
- POP3 Server: mail.yourdomain (e.g.:
- Security Type: None
- Port:110
- Delete email from server: Never
6. On the Outgoing server settings screen, enter the following information:
- SMTP Server: mail.yourdomain (e.g.:
- Security Type: None
- Port: 587
- Require sign-in: This must be selected.
7. Enter an Account Name.
8. Tap Done.