Samsung Galaxy S7 - Creating a POP Account

samsung mail

The following steps will assist you in setting up an e-mail account on a Samsung Galaxy S7:

1. From the Home screen, slide your finger downwards, starting from the top of the screen and tap the Settings icon.

2. On the Settings screen, select Accounts.

3. From the Accounts window, select Add Account, followed by Email.

4. Enter your e-mail address and password. Once you have done so, tap on MANUAL SETUP.

5. On the Manual setup page, you will be prompted to select the type of account you are using: Select POP3.

6. In the Account section, enter the following:

  • Email address: Enter your e-mail address.
  • User Name: Enter your full e-mail address (e.g.:
  • Password: Enter the password for this account.

7. Scroll down to the Incoming server section and enter the following:

  • POP3 Server: mail.yourdomain (e.g.:
  • Security Type: None
  • Port: 110
  • Delete email from server: Never
  • Tap Next to continue

8. Scroll down to the Outging server section and enter the following:

  • SMTP Server: mail.yourdomain (e.g.:
  • Security Type: None
  • Port: 587
  • Authentication required before sending emails: this option must be ticked.
  • User name: this must be the full e-mail address (e.g.:
  • Password: Enter the password for this account.

9. Tap the SIGN IN button to finish setting your e-mail account up.

Note: Unlike previous models, the S7 does not give you the option to customise synchronisation and account name settings while configuring an e-mail account.

To configure these settings, you will need to do the following:

1. Return to the Home screen by tapping the Home key.

2. Select Apps, followed by Samsung and then Email.

3. Tap on MORE and select Settings.

4. Select the e-mail account you have just set up.

5. Enable Sync account.

6. In the Account name field, enter a description of the e-mail account (e.g. My Work Account).

7. Enter your name into the Your name field. This is the name that will appear next to your e-mail address when you send mail.

8. Tap on
Sync schedule. This determines how often your phone will check for new e-mail.

Tap on the Home key to return to the Home screen.

  • Samsung, e-mail, e-mail setup
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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